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                                                                         HELPFUL LINKS


Listed here are a number of links that we believe can help listeners with sleeplessness and / or restlessness. Listings don't necessarily mean that we endorse/support the products or services provided by organisations / companies that we have listed.  Links to our contributing music artists and partners appear as advertisements and banners so please support them as they support the free service that we supply to you. If you know of a great website that helps people relax and sleep then please feel free to contact us and suggest it. If it passes our greatness test we'll be sure to add it and give you the credit for the suggestion. Also featured are links to ambient and new age music artists and/or organisations that we either partner with, support or belong to.


Do you have a website that's "sleep" or relaxation" orientated? If so, we'd love to hear from you as we'd consider placing a permanent free banner to your site in return for you placing a reciprocal banner or ad to Sleep Radio on yours. You get business and we get more listeners! Alternatively you can also advertise commercially with us via either a 234 x 60 horizontal half banner or a vertical 120 x 240 small skyscraper banner on our main or other pages. Click here to contact us for pricing and / or banner exchanging.

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One of the best websites in the world that can help people suffering with depression. Former All Black and coach, John Kirwan, hosts a staged program with the use of videos and strategies that help you with your struggle.

THE NUTTERS CLUB - A Facebook page with a difference. Mike King's commendable effort setting up an organisation for people who suffer from mental illness.

A great news article from the BBC as to why our bodies jerk or shudder just before we fall asleep.





This website, the name SLEEP RADIO and its audio stream is internationally trademarked and copyrighted © - 2014 to John Watson trading as Sleep Radio. All rights reserved.​ Our audio streaming services are provided solely to listeners who need to listen to uninterrupted music to relax and sleep. Duplication or copying of any audio, information or image on this website is strictly prohibited. Similarly, any recording, relaying or re-broadcasting of this station's audio feed via website, app or AM/FM/SW/DAB relaying is strictly prohibited without express written permission of the owner of SLEEP RADIO. Any person, organisation or company in breach is liable to prosecution, damages and costs.

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